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Why we should all be feminists…and why all feminists should support the basic income. If all you knew about feminism…
di The Politics Guy
La feminista marxista habla de la relación entre la política anti-trabajo y la lucha contra el patriarcado.   Eres…
di Kathi Weeks
Se ha difundido entre la población una sensación de incertidumbre sobre el futuro, la percepción de haber dejado atrás…
di Sandro Gobetti e Luca Santini
Universal basic income (UBI), the radically simple idea that everyone should receive a periodic cash payment from the government,…
El impacto de las acciones humanas en nuestro planeta es ahora tan importante que muchos científicos anuncian una nueva…
di Simon Lewis, Mark Maslin
Interview. Philippe Van Parijs, the famous basic income theorist, presented his latest book in Italy: “Basic income: A Radical Proposal…
di Roberto Ciccarelli
Dare a tutti una somma mensile di denaro, su base individuale, indipendentemente dalla condizione economica e senza contropartite lavorative….
di Leonardo Filippi
The idea that states should provide a means-tested guaranteed minimum income for citizens who are unable to meet their…
di Simon Birnbaum
Basic income began to be debated in Italy, even from different points of view,  at least since about 4-5…
di Executive Committee Basic Income Network Italy
Un interessante dossier a cura de l’OFCE – Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques sullo stato del dibattito in merito al reddito…
The debate on basic income has at least one virtue, namely that of reminding us that there is a…
di Thomas Piketty
Il tema del reddito di base incondizionato ha conquistato il suo posto nel dibattito pubblico francese “ed è affrontato dalle…
di Gaspard Koenig
There was an uncanny similarity between two referenda held in June: the UK’s referendum on whether to remain in…
di Citizens’ Income Trust
One of the masterminds behind the upcoming Swiss referendum on the basic income Enno Schmidt said that no matter…
di Tyler Prochazka Interview Enno Schmidt
On June 5, 2016, Swiss people voted on a referendum that included a question about implementing a universal basic…
di Josh Martin
Swiss people have a reputation for being at the vanguard when it comes to discussing and implementing progressive social…
di Dániel Fehér