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MASP Project – Master Parenting in Work and Life

The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation EaSI (2019-2021)  IT, BE, NO

MASP – Master parenting in work and life in a new “work-life synergy” perspective – is a project proposal aimed to reconcile work and private life, support a more equal share of care responsibilities between women and men and encourage a higher participation of women in the labour market. The project will develop and test an innovative work-life balance strategy focusing on a different culture of parenthood. The main purpose is to change the perspective of work-life balance, moving to the concept of “work-life synergy”, highlighting the synergy between “personal” and “working” dimensions of individuals and the importance of the different roles of a person.

In order to foster this “work-life synergy” perspective, the project has to make the key actors involved aware on it and implement a mix of innovative measures targeting citizens and enterprises. In particular, MASP will address: companies and employers; public and employment services’ staff; unemployed pregnant women; employed new mothers and fathers. The project is based on two positive Italian experiences: MAAM and Family Audit. The two experiences will be integrated in a complex urban policy, improved and tested on different contexts, as well as completed with other activities.

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Il progetto europeo MASP. Diseguaglianze di genere e qualità della vita


This project has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014- 2020).



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