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On line il nuovo BIEN Newsflash (in inglese)

The Basic Income Earth Network was founded in 1986 as the Basic Income European Network. It expanded its scope from Europe to the Earth in 2004. It serves as a link between individuals and groups committed to or interested in basic income, and fosters informed discussion on this topic throughout the world.

The present NewsFlash has been prepared with the help of Paul Nollen, Uschi Bauer, Simon Birnbaum, David Casassas, Roland Duchâtelet, Sandro Gobetti, Dirk Jacobi, Lena Lavinas, Jim Mulvale, Rob Rainer, Dorothee Schulte-Basta, Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy, Gilles Seguin, Benjamin Van Parys, Philippe Van Parijs, Fábio Waltenberg, Karl Widerquist, Almaz Zelleke, and Thérèse Davio..

NewsFlash 57 (June 2009) is available in



Editorial: Next BIEN Congress in July 2010, São Paulo, Brazil

1. Tribute to Brian Barry by Philippe Van Parijs

2. Events

Herzogenrath, Calgary, Prague, Berlin,  Salerno, Edinburgh, Santiago de Chile, Ottawa

3. Glimpses of national debates
* CANADA: “Dignity for All” Campaign Launched
* EUROPEAN UNION: EU-Commissioner Fischer supports basic income for farmers
* GERMANY: A new basic income for children?
* GERMANY: Petition to the German Bundestag
* IRAN: Presidential Candidate supports Oil Dividend for all
* ITALY: Call for a EU-wide guaranteed income
* ITALY: Precarious workers ask for political asylum in Sweden
* NAMIBIA: The Namibian BIG Pilot Project shows positive results
* SPAIN: Debate on Basic Income moves forward within wracked-by-crisis Spain
* SWITZERLAND: Everyone a King!
* UNITED STATES: Carbon Tax Dividend proposal finds new advocates
* UNITED STATES: Alaska Fund recovers slightly, but its prospects remain uncertain

4. Publications

HARDIES, Kris (2009), ‘Het basisinkomen. Een ethische beschouwing’…

TERWITTE, Johannes (2009), Should proponents of basic income advocate basic income social experiments in Germany?…
VAN DONSELAAR, Gijs (2009), The Right to Exploit…

NEUMANN, Frieder (2009), Gerechtigkeit und Grundeinkommen…

5. New Links

6. About the Basic Income Earth Network


BIEN’s NewsFlash is mailed electronically every two months to over 1,500 subscribers throughout the world. Requests for free subscription are to be sent to


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