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Poletti e la sua filosofia della miseria.

E’ notizia di questi giorni, attraverso un’ intervista del ministro del lavoro comparsa sule pagine di la Repubblica, l’intenzione da parte del Governo Renzi di introdurre un reddito minimo di 320€ al mese per una platea di un milione di famiglie con l’obiettivo poi di arrivare gradualmente a coprire quei 4 milioni di italiani che si […]

British parliament to consider motion on universal basic income

Green MP Caroline Lucas has tabled a motion calling for more research into the policy. MPs are being asked to sign an Early Day Motion calling for further research Corbis. MPs in the British Parliament are being asked to consider the question of introducing a universal basic income paid unconditionally to all citizens. An Early Day Motion […]

Switzerland will be the first country in the world to vote on having a national wage of £1,700 a month

The plan would cost the government around 208 billion Swiss francs a year (£143 billion). Switzerland is set to vote on a proposal that wants to pay everyone 2,500 Swiss francs (£1,700) a month regardless of whether people are working or not. If the plans go through, it will become the first country in the world to […]